Transitioning from Summer to Fall: The Perfect Look For Autumn
Bye Bye Summer
Picture this, You just woke up from a nice 8 hour sleep, you hear the raindrops falling on your roof, you turn your coffee maker on, and you get out your yellow knitted sweater with it’s matching scarf. You are almost ready to get your day started and as you take a sip of your warm vanilla nutmeg coffee it hits you… FALL is HERE!
So you grab your sweater, your pants, and your boots, with much excitement you go to your makeup bag and start pulling out the bright pinks, corals, greens, and yellows! OH NO PLEASE MAKE IT STOP… You my dear have not learned to transition your makeup from SUMMER GLAM to FALL FAB!
Have no Fear, Shirley is HERE!
We have created the perfect Fall look to inspire your look this holiday season. So put away that pink lipstick and green eyeshadow; It is time to bring the smoky eye out and the bold dark lip. A look perfect for every holiday occasion!
For the perfect Fall EYES you want to use warm toned eye shadow colors. Golds, Browns, Coppers and Mauve colors are perfect for the crease. A light shimmer eye shadow is the perfect touch on the eyelid to blend all colors together. Finish the look with a nice winged eye liner and Mascara.
VOILA! You have the perfect Autumn Eyes!
For the perfect Fall Lip you want to think, DARK, BOLD, & DEEP. Colors like: Wine, Deep Red, Brown, Mauve, Purple, and Black are all suitable for Fall!
Now put it all together& you have the perfect Autumn Look!